Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Today, I am thankful for a lazy Sunday morning and a teenager who drives. She brought me breakfast in bed! Oh, yeah...that is one of the plus sides of your babies growing up. Of course, this little brat tried to ruin my breakfast with talk of moving out! She can only think of the excitement of being out on her own. Mommy sees no excitement in paying bills and rent. I think she should enjoy herself before getting stuck in that rut. We have a while to go yet, but still she likes to see me raise my eyebrow in disapproval. Oh, to be 17 again with all the fresh ideas and hope for the future. This child of mine who has struggled with many health issues over the past 3 and half years. There have been many sad days but this girl keeps going. She does her best, keeps her grades up and gives me no trouble even when she is in extreem pain. A girl who has had a headache non-stop since freshman year and struggles with chronic migraines and fatigue. Can you imagine...a headache for 3 years? No relief. You would probably never know if you just met her today. She is an angel. Sweet faced and smiling most of the time. This little girl of mine is stronger than anyone can realize until they hear our story. Once upon a time, the perfect family. Now, even though we are cracked and flawed, we put up a strong front and hide our pain inside. We smile politely and keep our broken hearts hidden. This is the new normal for the Macon family. I still cry sometimes at all the things Daddy is missing. He would be bragging about his little girl being a senior and showing her off. Our girl who takes highschool classes in the morning and goes to cosmotology in the afternoon. I can see his sweet smile and hear exactly what he would say in my head, "That's my baby! Mommy and I did that! We made that!"
I hope he knows I have done my best at this Mommy thing. It wasn't easy alone without him. Being Mommy and Daddy sucks. I must have done something right though, because I have some really great kids. They are all funny and have a way of making me laugh ever single day. Our home is a pretty comfortable place to be. It is house filled with love and that is partly because we think Daddy still watches over us.
Enjoy your kids and give them a little extra love today. They grow up way too fast!
Love and Blessings, Lulu

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