Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Knowing Your Worth

I had a really good talk the other night with a dear friend. He and his wife quickly became two of my favorite people. You know how you meet someone and it just clicks, instant friends. Like minded with you. You feel their energy and they are just cool people to be around. They add something positive to your life just by being around them. That is the G's for me. They know who they are!  I love them. I love their kids. I could tell you a hundred reason why, but the top of the list is simply that they are an awesome, loving family.
When I sit across a table from this young couple and chat, I enjoy them. They are fun. They love each other. They understand each other. They are the "no matter what" kind of love.
 Now, I say this because they remind me of my worth. I remember that someone once loved me like that...once upon a time in land far, far fairy tale has a sad ending but the story was filled with adventure, romance, true love and laughter! It made me who I am today. But I point is sometimes fathers and husbands forget their worth. As I sat with Mr. G the other night having a conversation about the paths our lives have taken us, it occured to me that we had more in common than we realized. Once again, I was reminded that God sometimes says, "Ha!" It made me think, is this why I was instantly in "like" with this couple? Did the universe know that I needed them in my life? How could we have this much in common? Feel the force, young Skywalker! lol Yes, this man sits in front of me and tells a story that was so unbelievably the same path that my sweet husband had traveled. A path that was not an easy one. A sometimes sad and cruel path. But these two men both become loving husbands and fathers. Statistically, they should be total screw-ups......but no, these men had something special. They over came a hardship and are better because of it. So as I sit across from my friend, I have an even greater sense of admiration for him.  I want him to know that his worth as a father and husband are beyond measure. That love is a stronger foundation than a bank account will ever be. So today, I salute the men who change diapers, who know how the plug in the sippy cup works, who pour their wife and her friend a glass of wine in the middle of the day, the ones who sit for hours teaching toddlers to tie shoe laces, who throw kids 50 times in the air so they can splash in the pool while knowing they will hear "just one more time", the men that give hugs and kisses to sad little ones, to men who listen when a wife has an idea or a bad day and to the men who simply say "I will do better than my parents did" and do. These are the everyday heros. Maybe they can't see it but I do. So, if this is you, walk a little prouder today. If it's your man, tell him how proud you are of him.  Remind him of his worth.
Love and Blessings, Lulu

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