Saturday, November 5, 2011

Deer season makes me miss my dear!

Now I know that sounds odd to most "deer season widows" as they are sometimes called. Every year as opening day approaches I can't help but feel a tinge of sadness as I hear the men folk talking about it. All the bragging of the first one and who is taking their son with them this year. Just the general conversations of it all. Most men will be staying off somewhere every chance they get and not coming home all weekend or week. My Matt would get up early and quietly sneak out. Just a quick kiss and he was off leaving me sleeping peacefully in my nice warm bed. He always found a lease close to home. He would stay for part of the day but always came home to have family time with us that afternoon. The best part was when he would get a deer early in the morning and then he would make it back in time to sneak back in bed and wake me up. Cold and smelling like the woods he would sneak and give a kiss before heading to the shower. I loved that smell. Something about it. Odd, I know. As he would crawl back into that bed to snuggle, all fresh and clean my heart would just melt with happiness to feel his warmth beside me again.
So to all the women who are griping about the season and what it brings, just remember to let him go and enjoy himself. Give him some time to cut up and be a dude with the guys. To smoke cigars and have a few beers or one too many. Life is short and we never know what our day will bring. Enjoy your life together and don't bitch about the little things. Be grateful for the small sweetness in your days and they will turn into the best memories, I promise.
Love and Blessings, Lulu

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