Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Find the Positive in Your Path

So, tonight as I sat across the table from a dear friend, I look at her and realize how blessed I am. We drank a few cocktails, laughed and solved all the worlds problems. This is our usual time together. I always leave her company in good spirits, with positive energy and a grateful heart to have her as a friend. The funny thing is my path only crossed with her because of a past relationship. A relationship that ended badly. This man may not have been a good life choice for me but then again, without him I would never have met Jessica. So here is the positive in my path. A wrong turn that led to a right again. Lessons learned and friend gained.
I am grateful for whatever reason she has come into my life. I hope to be sitting on the back porch drinking cocktails even when we are 90! Here's to good friends and to the laughter they bring. Cheers! <<clink>>

Love and blessings, Lulu

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