Monday, November 14, 2011

I Do Not Bounce

You may be asking yourself "what the heck does that title mean?" Well, let me tell you friends, it means just that! I do not bounce from one relationship to another claiming to "be in love" after just meeting someone. This amazes me how people throw those words around. To me they are sacred. I mean them with my whole heart. They mean I will over look your bad, annoying habits and count all the good qualities you possess instead. I will nurture you when you're sick or injured. I will love you when times are tough. I will stand up for you even if your wrong. I will not pledge to spend a lifetime with you and then say "ahhh, you ain't so hot" and throw everything we had together out like it was yesterdays garbage. When you truly have love in your heart, you will fight to keep what you have until you have exhausted all options. You will say you are sorry even when you think you were right, because the other person isn't worth losing over a stupid argument. The person you love is always, always, always worth more than your stubborn pride. People take love for granted. You don't just break someones heart and send them out to pick up a new one at Wal-Mart.
Now, why was this the chosen topic for the day? I was asked last night if I missed a past relationship. The answer to this particular gentleman was, yes I do. There were some sad life situations that drove us apart and we are unable to mend our situation now. I still love him and wish him the best. This led to another recent relationship and the answer was, no.....because the reality is, I loved him but he bounced! He bounced high and hard! So this tells me that what I thought was real, what was a true commitment, was false. It was all a magic trick of illusion, smoke and mirrors. He said I love you with ease, but it truly meant nothing. I was disposable when things didn't go his way. This is not the love that God has planned for us. This not what I want out of a man. As my past posts have stated, I want the "no matter what kind of love." Forever and ever, amen.
So today, I challenge you to look at what you have. Respect your partner and cherish them as your best friend and lover. Remember that everyone has spats now and again. It's the nature of the beast. We have a bad day and they are at an easy reach. We are human, we stumble. Get over it, apologize, kiss and make up. Build your relationship up, don't build a wall between you.
If you are single like me, then take a good look at yourself. Remember your worth. I know what I bring to the table and it's pretty good. I am a catch! Take pride in yourself and don't settle for the "bounce."  So today I toast the wonderful men that truly love me and give extra cheers to fools that have lost me. I hope when they see me from time to time that they shake their heads and want to kick their own asses! Ha!
Love and blessings, Lulu

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