Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Group Therapy

I don't know how you deal with the struggles life hands you, but I for one, choose group therapy. Not the get together weekly kind where a therapist sits with a clip board, asks you to introduce yourself,  explain your particular situation to the group and then sends you a bill. No, I prefer the crack open a bottle, sit on the porch, talk and laugh it out kind of therapy with your very bestest of friends. It works for us and no matter what the problem is, sharing it with friends who love and pray for you is always, always a good thing. Talking is a way to unburden yourself and sharing with a friend reminds you that you are not alone. It is healing. We are not a bunch of whiny broads sitting around bitching all the time. Most of the time we are laughing about some silliness of the weeks adventures but occasionally there is sadness or a challenge that one of is dealing with. These friends of mine are always here to fill my heart with love and positive energy. Not just the ladies but the gentlemen in my life as well. I am a very lucky gal. I am blessed with some very kind and wonderful people in my life. I hope they know what they mean to me. If not, then they do now. I love you all!
Cheers! <<clink>>

Love and blessings, Lulu

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