Monday, November 28, 2011

Awesomeness!!! ;D

Usually, I am not a morning person but today I woke up with my mind racing with a thousand thoughts and ideas. I keep returning to one thought in particular...I must work on my awesomeness. Yes, I know you are probably saying to yourself "How could Lulu get any better?" Well, I am not sure myself but I think I should always work on improvements. I am aging and I don't want to lose the super powers I have worked so hard on my whole life. I mean this snappy wit and sharp tongue come pretty naturally but you have to keep your skills in check, like a ninja! Of course, there is no shortage of ignorant or overly dramaitic people around to give me amunition to excersise my talents on. I mostly keep my smart mouth to myself or tweet about it. And then there is the GNO (girls night out) when Malibu Barbie and I entertain each other with our sarcasm.
My kids keep me pretty entertained as well. They keep me laughing with all the stories they tell me. I have pretty funny kidos. I mean really, they crack me up. It comes naturally to them as they get that humor from both of their parents. Matt was a bit more suttle with his humor but he kept me laughing all the time. If that man said something you better listen up because you were going to laugh. Most of it was very inappropriate which makes me laugh even harder! I have a more twisted humor and I find things funny that others are appalled at. Either way, we laugh lots around my house.
So back to my awesomeness. I am whacking around ideas for another book. I am also hell bent on an idea to expand Lemondrop Lulu's. I think the next step there should be a line of T-shirts with some of my classic words of wisdom. I mean my quotes are "tattoo that on your butt" worthy but how would you ever decide on just one. Yes, T-shirts for everybody. I got shit to do today! Check ya' later, tators!

Love and Blessings, Lulu

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