Saturday, November 26, 2011

Burning Bridges

So, the past couple of weeks I have heard a friends side of a friendship gone bad. It was a small mistake that just continued until it was too late to recover. The apology just didn't mean enough by the time it was given and it was hard to tell if it was even given with a geniune heart. Sometimes you have to decide if the bridge is worth crossing or burning that mo' fo' to the f'n ground!
I am sure that you can all relate. We have all felt the sting of betrayal and sometimes, even with forgiveness we just can't forget. So, today I ask this simple question of loyalty. Do you think that it is possible to keep friendships separate? Can one person really be true to friendships when your friends don't like each other? I say no. I do not want to filter my conversations with my bestie because she doesn't like another chick I just had lunch with. I want to feel free to say, "Hey, I had lunch with Malibu Barbie today" without Skipper getting an attitude and asking "Well, what did that bitch say about me? I know she said something!" It leads to tension. Sooner or later you gotta pick a team! I hate to sound petty but it is what it is. We can be polite in a social setting without showing our Jerry Springer show side in public but in private, it is soooo gonna come out. So if you defend Mailbu to Skipper, then she is pissed and if you don't then you are not a true friend. And heaven forbid that Skipper tells Ken about the situation and he tells G.I. Joe and it gets back to Malibu and then everybody gets their feelings hurt. It could get real ugly, real quick. Are you following me?
Once harsh words are spoken, they can never be taken back. That knife in your back is going to sting everytime you see the bitch that put it there. No matter how deep it was plunged, it hurts and you don't want your friends hanging with her ANYMORE! I hate playground politics but these are rules. You should have learned it in the third grade but there are those women that just don't get it, STILL!!!!
Ok, here is my thought. Loyalty is earned and once it has been spit just never seems to come clean again. So pick a team and choose your loyalty wisely. I may have only 5 friends at my funeral but by all that is good and holy, those 5 will love me truly and be the most loyal of besties! Ok, Bitch Slap Barbie is going to go have a cocktail with Malibu and I will have more to write about tomorrow! Cheers <<clink>>

Love and Blesssing, Lulu

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