Tuesday, January 31, 2012

He's a Puddler!

Thinking of big fat baby today. Most of you know that I call Kadin, Fatty. It seems to bother some but I say it with love and he knows his Yaya adores him. I do not think it will in any way pave his path to therapy. Our family has plenty of other crazy to get him there! Ha!
One of the things that love about my Fatty, is the way that when I snatch him up to give him some love, he does this thing that I call puddles. He just sort of melts into your lap like ice cream and accepts all the cuddles and kisses that you are willing to give. It makes my heart happy when he does this. It is for me, an affirmation that he knows he is a loved child. He trusts that his Yaya is going to hold him safe and smother him with kisses and he just sits back, puddles and lets all the love soak in. How wonderful to have that confidence in anothers love you.
I know that one day this little man of ours will grow up and maybe not want to be smothered with Yaya kisses but for now, I am going to relish each and everyone of them. On day I will remind him of when he used to puddle and I hope it makes up both smile. I love my Fatty!

Love and Blessings, Lulu

Monday, January 30, 2012

Somebody Shoulda Smacked That Kid!

So, the other night I was standing in my bathroom getting my face on. Trying to get myself ready to go meet my besties, the Dynamic Guire duo. I am feeling pretty good about myself and looking forward to some "Tini Time" and adult conversation. Leave it to my middle child to squash any illusions I was having about myself. She says to me "Mom, this is just wrong." I look over to see what she is referring to, thinking it is something on the TV, but nooooo. She is sitting on my bed like a little princess, holding my phone that I had left charging, scrolling through my music and giving her thoughts as to what is "Mom appropriate." She is all like "Snoop Dogg? Really, Mom?" and then she was all like "Gin and Juice? Do you play that?" with this little smirk on her face. Then I was like "Yeah, what's wrong with a little Snoop D O double G?" Her response was the kick in the head, "Cuz your a Mom!" So this forced me to respond with "Did you think the second I pushed your sister out of my womb, I instantly had the cool sucked out of me?" This of course, got me the obligatory teenage girl eye roll. Oh, the joys of motherhood!

And these kids wonder why I drink! Cheers! <<clink>>

Love and Blessings, Lulu

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Just for Today

Well, today was rather unproductive but well spent anyways! My friend stopped by to pick up two of my books that she had ordered. Of, course we got to talking and visiting and time completely got away from us. Two hours later we were still yakin' and laughing our day away! Don't ya' just love when that happens? I sure do. I love seeing a friend and falling into a conversation where everything else seems unimportant. Just you and your pal sharing your lives and thoughts.....it feels good! I am grateful for these people that fill my days with comfort, understanding, love and giggles!
This morning one of my friends posted on facebook "today, how about being grateful for everything." I thought of that as I started my day and it felt good. I am generally a person with a grateful heart and I count my blessing daily but those words really stuck with me. So today, I can truly say, I am grateful for everything! Can you? Think about it and I bet you will say with a smile "yes, today I can!"

Love and Blessings, Lulu

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Shaking my head!

Over the past few months I have been left shaking my head with the obligatory eye roll over some actions taken that I do not even begin to have the capacity to understand. The action being a snotty facebook comment or tweet about someone they do not like or a person they feel offended them. These are grown woman friending and unfriending like they change their underwear. Blocking friends of the enemy just in case they might possibly be "creeping" their page. All of this by grown women mind you! I find it strange that these women have time for this crap honestly....I must have my life completely out of whack!  I am busy with 3 kids, 4 dogs, 5 tons of laundry, bottomless sinks of dirty dishes, chasing dust bunnies, gettting  the millionth leaf out of the pool, finding time for cocktails with friends and power napping. How do these women make time for all this drama? Apparently, I am not using my time wisely because I can't work that kind of crap into my day. I mean come on, ladies....I am pretty sure that if you are upset with another person, then a facebook status or tweet is not really going to fix the problem. If it is your friend, then talk it out. Apologize when you should and accept apologies when they are given. If this doesn't work then move on and be grateful to move  to a more positive place in your life. Learn from mistakes and appreciate true friendships. I know it is hard to believe that a friend would betray you but it happens. People can wear a smile with a jealous heart and not even be aware that they feel animosity for another person. Maybe they don't have a great relationship with their spouse, maybe their kids are giving them problems, maybe you drive a nicer car or have a bigger house or have bigger boobs or a smaller butt! Who knows why people get jealous. All I can tell you is that when that little green eyed monster shows it's face, it is ugly! Negative energy attracts negative results. Find the positive in your day!
As I have said a hundred times before "There may only be 5 people at my funeral but for the love of God and all that is holy, those 5 people will have loved me!" So, ladies...close your circle. You are not running for prom queen. You may have 500 friends on facebook but the truth be told, all I  need are 2 of my besties sitting on my deck drinking a cocktail to feel warmth in my heart and I know that all is right with my world. If you can count your truest of friends on one hand then you are truly blessed!
Love and blessings, Lulu

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2

Second day of the new year and so far so good. Fingers crossed and prayers said for myself and all my loved ones. I am not one to make resolutions not because I am perfect but because I have the same resolution everyday! I want to be happy and make the most out what life has to offer. I don't resolve to do this just at the new year. I try to remind myself several times through out my day to count my blessings, love the ones that matter and never forget what is important to me. I don't have to please others to find happiness. Happiness is a choice and I choose to let unhappy people go. They will drag you down to their level if you don't watch out.
Well, the holidays are over and it's time to get back to reality. The kids go back to school in the morning. Ugh! We hate getting up early. I am looking forward to Lauren getting this year knocked out. She plans to graduate early and so hopefully, by the end of February my girl will be done! Then just a few more weeks of cosmotology and my girl will be ready for the big, bad world.
So much to look forward to. I can't help but smile and think how proud Matt would be. He always knew how to make you feel special and loved. He never stopped bragging on his family. I still love and miss him everyday. I will do my best to love my kids enough for both of us.
Wishing everyone a wonderful new year. Work hard and play harder! Love and Blessings, Lulu

Monday, December 12, 2011

Carpe Diem!

So, today I sit in my pj's with my sweet puppy sleeping blissfully by my side and I think she is one content little critter. Don't you wish we could just have that same joyfull spirit as our puppy? Play when you wanna, rest when you wanna and always be excited to see a friend or loved one! I sure do! Yes, we all have responsibilities but the fact of life is, we have to decide to sieze the moments that are memory makers. I can tell you  with a sincere heart the only thing that keeps me from going and doing is a lack of funds! If a friend calls for lunch or to meet for a cocktail, I am there! The only time I decline is if my bank acount is empty and my credit cards are screaming in agony! We for the most part can find an excuse to not meet a friend when they call. We are tired, the kids are whiny, you husband/boyfriend won't like it, your in your workout clothes, yada, yada, yada! I say to you this little bit of advice and you should write it down, memorize it, tattoo it on your butt, whatever you gotta do but remember "This is not a dress rehearsal! This is your life! This is IT! No Do Over!" Get off your butt and make a memory. Don't pass up a birthday wish, don't pass up a giggle over lunch, don't pass up a good cry over a glass of wine with a friend who is hurting, don't miss the opportunity to show someone that you love them!
This is the spice of life people! We can't let ourselves fall into a rut. Life is so much sweeter when it's filled with love and laughter.
I remind you of this today mostly, because one of my dear friends had a birthday this weekend. Those of us that showed up for the festivities had such a good time. We facebooked and tweeted the whole next day about it. Laughing about the nights events and grateful in our hearts for the memory. Now my friend received numerous excuses why some could not be there. They all sucked! Yes, you say to yourself "oh, there will be other birthdays. I will go next year" but what if next year didn't come? Shit happens, people! Everyday, anyday, no matter who, where, or what you think, sometimes next time never comes....and then what? I have lived this scenerio.....living with a regret can be a terrible burden. My thoughts are simply, Carpe Diem! Seize the day!
Live, love and laugh as much as you possibly can! Don't let life pass you by. Hug your friends, kiss your kids, eat the birthday cake with gusto, pop a cork on a bottle and last but not least.....say a prayer and count your blessings everyday.

Love and blessings,

Monday, November 28, 2011

Awesomeness!!! ;D

Usually, I am not a morning person but today I woke up with my mind racing with a thousand thoughts and ideas. I keep returning to one thought in particular...I must work on my awesomeness. Yes, I know you are probably saying to yourself "How could Lulu get any better?" Well, I am not sure myself but I think I should always work on improvements. I am aging and I don't want to lose the super powers I have worked so hard on my whole life. I mean this snappy wit and sharp tongue come pretty naturally but you have to keep your skills in check, like a ninja! Of course, there is no shortage of ignorant or overly dramaitic people around to give me amunition to excersise my talents on. I mostly keep my smart mouth to myself or tweet about it. And then there is the GNO (girls night out) when Malibu Barbie and I entertain each other with our sarcasm.
My kids keep me pretty entertained as well. They keep me laughing with all the stories they tell me. I have pretty funny kidos. I mean really, they crack me up. It comes naturally to them as they get that humor from both of their parents. Matt was a bit more suttle with his humor but he kept me laughing all the time. If that man said something you better listen up because you were going to laugh. Most of it was very inappropriate which makes me laugh even harder! I have a more twisted humor and I find things funny that others are appalled at. Either way, we laugh lots around my house.
So back to my awesomeness. I am whacking around ideas for another book. I am also hell bent on an idea to expand Lemondrop Lulu's. I think the next step there should be a line of T-shirts with some of my classic words of wisdom. I mean my quotes are "tattoo that on your butt" worthy but how would you ever decide on just one. Yes, T-shirts for everybody. I got shit to do today! Check ya' later, tators!

Love and Blessings, Lulu