Thursday, January 26, 2012

Just for Today

Well, today was rather unproductive but well spent anyways! My friend stopped by to pick up two of my books that she had ordered. Of, course we got to talking and visiting and time completely got away from us. Two hours later we were still yakin' and laughing our day away! Don't ya' just love when that happens? I sure do. I love seeing a friend and falling into a conversation where everything else seems unimportant. Just you and your pal sharing your lives and feels good! I am grateful for these people that fill my days with comfort, understanding, love and giggles!
This morning one of my friends posted on facebook "today, how about being grateful for everything." I thought of that as I started my day and it felt good. I am generally a person with a grateful heart and I count my blessing daily but those words really stuck with me. So today, I can truly say, I am grateful for everything! Can you? Think about it and I bet you will say with a smile "yes, today I can!"

Love and Blessings, Lulu

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