Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Shaking my head!

Over the past few months I have been left shaking my head with the obligatory eye roll over some actions taken that I do not even begin to have the capacity to understand. The action being a snotty facebook comment or tweet about someone they do not like or a person they feel offended them. These are grown woman friending and unfriending like they change their underwear. Blocking friends of the enemy just in case they might possibly be "creeping" their page. All of this by grown women mind you! I find it strange that these women have time for this crap honestly....I must have my life completely out of whack!  I am busy with 3 kids, 4 dogs, 5 tons of laundry, bottomless sinks of dirty dishes, chasing dust bunnies, gettting  the millionth leaf out of the pool, finding time for cocktails with friends and power napping. How do these women make time for all this drama? Apparently, I am not using my time wisely because I can't work that kind of crap into my day. I mean come on, ladies....I am pretty sure that if you are upset with another person, then a facebook status or tweet is not really going to fix the problem. If it is your friend, then talk it out. Apologize when you should and accept apologies when they are given. If this doesn't work then move on and be grateful to move  to a more positive place in your life. Learn from mistakes and appreciate true friendships. I know it is hard to believe that a friend would betray you but it happens. People can wear a smile with a jealous heart and not even be aware that they feel animosity for another person. Maybe they don't have a great relationship with their spouse, maybe their kids are giving them problems, maybe you drive a nicer car or have a bigger house or have bigger boobs or a smaller butt! Who knows why people get jealous. All I can tell you is that when that little green eyed monster shows it's face, it is ugly! Negative energy attracts negative results. Find the positive in your day!
As I have said a hundred times before "There may only be 5 people at my funeral but for the love of God and all that is holy, those 5 people will have loved me!" So, ladies...close your circle. You are not running for prom queen. You may have 500 friends on facebook but the truth be told, all I  need are 2 of my besties sitting on my deck drinking a cocktail to feel warmth in my heart and I know that all is right with my world. If you can count your truest of friends on one hand then you are truly blessed!
Love and blessings, Lulu

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