Tuesday, January 31, 2012

He's a Puddler!

Thinking of big fat baby today. Most of you know that I call Kadin, Fatty. It seems to bother some but I say it with love and he knows his Yaya adores him. I do not think it will in any way pave his path to therapy. Our family has plenty of other crazy to get him there! Ha!
One of the things that love about my Fatty, is the way that when I snatch him up to give him some love, he does this thing that I call puddles. He just sort of melts into your lap like ice cream and accepts all the cuddles and kisses that you are willing to give. It makes my heart happy when he does this. It is for me, an affirmation that he knows he is a loved child. He trusts that his Yaya is going to hold him safe and smother him with kisses and he just sits back, puddles and lets all the love soak in. How wonderful to have that confidence in anothers love you.
I know that one day this little man of ours will grow up and maybe not want to be smothered with Yaya kisses but for now, I am going to relish each and everyone of them. On day I will remind him of when he used to puddle and I hope it makes up both smile. I love my Fatty!

Love and Blessings, Lulu

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