Thursday, October 27, 2011

Did He Say That?!?!?

Yes, he sure did! My friend asked to read my book the other day and I said to him, "Uhmmm, I don't think you want to do that." He wanted to know why and I said because you may read more than you ever wanted know about me and this relationship will be over before it even has a chance at a good start! He said no, he wanted to know everything about me. (insert look of concern with a raised eyebrow here and add a "Yeah, right...) So I reluctantly sent him the rough draft to his email. A few hours later, I get a text. He was at work and managed to sneak it in. He had nothing but positive things to say. He loved it and was so glad I had shared it with him. Said it made him respect me even more. Wow, whhhaaaaaattt? I was shocked and even more shocked the next morning when he sent me another message about the book and said he thought he had an idea of who would be interested in it. Companies that do safety meetings for big companies. Said it would hit home with people to hear an actual story of how an accident impacted a real person/family. Those things hit home and make you think. Wow, again!
So this is something he is going to look into. Who knows if anything will come of it but I can tell you that little bit of positive thought and energy can make a huge difference. So this morning I say thank you to a sweet man for his support and understanding. Feeling pretty good today....happy thoughts! Love and Bleassings, Lulu

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