Monday, December 12, 2011

Carpe Diem!

So, today I sit in my pj's with my sweet puppy sleeping blissfully by my side and I think she is one content little critter. Don't you wish we could just have that same joyfull spirit as our puppy? Play when you wanna, rest when you wanna and always be excited to see a friend or loved one! I sure do! Yes, we all have responsibilities but the fact of life is, we have to decide to sieze the moments that are memory makers. I can tell you  with a sincere heart the only thing that keeps me from going and doing is a lack of funds! If a friend calls for lunch or to meet for a cocktail, I am there! The only time I decline is if my bank acount is empty and my credit cards are screaming in agony! We for the most part can find an excuse to not meet a friend when they call. We are tired, the kids are whiny, you husband/boyfriend won't like it, your in your workout clothes, yada, yada, yada! I say to you this little bit of advice and you should write it down, memorize it, tattoo it on your butt, whatever you gotta do but remember "This is not a dress rehearsal! This is your life! This is IT! No Do Over!" Get off your butt and make a memory. Don't pass up a birthday wish, don't pass up a giggle over lunch, don't pass up a good cry over a glass of wine with a friend who is hurting, don't miss the opportunity to show someone that you love them!
This is the spice of life people! We can't let ourselves fall into a rut. Life is so much sweeter when it's filled with love and laughter.
I remind you of this today mostly, because one of my dear friends had a birthday this weekend. Those of us that showed up for the festivities had such a good time. We facebooked and tweeted the whole next day about it. Laughing about the nights events and grateful in our hearts for the memory. Now my friend received numerous excuses why some could not be there. They all sucked! Yes, you say to yourself "oh, there will be other birthdays. I will go next year" but what if next year didn't come? Shit happens, people! Everyday, anyday, no matter who, where, or what you think, sometimes next time never comes....and then what? I have lived this with a regret can be a terrible burden. My thoughts are simply, Carpe Diem! Seize the day!
Live, love and laugh as much as you possibly can! Don't let life pass you by. Hug your friends, kiss your kids, eat the birthday cake with gusto, pop a cork on a bottle and last but not least.....say a prayer and count your blessings everyday.

Love and blessings,